Career Conversations by The Careers Company - My experience of a career coach
Apr 25, 2022About 20 years ago I left University with a BA English degree but little experience of the real world. I wrongly assumed that, having a degree, I would just walk into a job. I came down to reality with a bump and learnt that many people have a degree. I was introduced to a careers coach, Ann, who has since become a close friend and mentor. Ann was an experienced business woman and an acquaintance of my dad. Her help in clarifying my career goals was invaluable, and I can wholeheartedly promote the benefits of obtaining a career coach.
Ann took a practical and at times a tough love approach, but tempered this with encouragement, saying "I wouldn't be on your case if I didn't think you were worth it!" On my case she was. I was advised to revamp my CV, write a covering letter for job applications, brainstorm desirable jobs and apply for a minimum of 10 jobs per week. I kept a spreadsheet detailing jobs applied for, dates, contact details and responses.
In order to define which jobs would be desirable, I had to initially shake off some "shoulds" I had in my mind. For example, there are certain obvious jobs one can pursue with an English degree but which I didn't personally want. Ann exhorted me time and again to not focus on what I thought I "should" do, or what would be "sensible", but to home in on what I wanted. After some soul searching we defined the area of publishing as the area I wanted to pursue.
Careers coaching with Ann overlapped with life coaching. Ann identified that one issue I had to overcome was shyness and low self-esteem. She coached me to use positive affirmations and to some extent to "fake it till I make it". I practised having confident body language and participating fully in conversations with people, rather than taking a backseat. Ann wanted me to be a "bigger version" of myself. This would stand me in good stead in my career and in social interactions generally.
My first goal was to get a job. Period. Then from there to move into my chosen career of publishing. The thinking being that it's easier to get a job if one is already in paid work. This first goal was achieved. I obtained a full-time job in a well-known book store. Ann pushed me to not "rest on my laurels" but keep up the job applications. Before long I was in the fortunate position of having three jobs in publishing to choose between. A "quality problem" as Ann called it.
The three jobs in publishing each had pros and cons. The first seemed a little dull but had good career prospects. The second was challenging but I got on well with my would-be manager. The third didn't offer any obvious career progression but was a more interesting role. I opted for this third option. It was a full-time job as an Editorial Coordinator working on five medical journals for a well-known publishing company. I have Ann to thank for obtaining this role, and for the skills I developed during my time being coached by her, which will stay with me for life.
Anyone who finds themselves in the position I was in, having a degree and unsure which career path to take, would do well to use the Early Careers package offered by The Careers Company. I was fortunate to know a friend of the family who could offer career coaching, however, most people are not that lucky. Never fear! You can book a free discovery call to find out how The Careers Company can fill that gap.
Further on in your career? Try the Executive Careers package. Transitioning jobs? Try the Second Act Careers package. Whichever package is right for you, a discovery call is your first step. We work with organisations too. If you are dealing with any kind of organisational workplace issue check out our services for organisations. All our coaches are accredited by the Career Development Association (CDI) or equivalent body. Career happiness and success is only a click away!
Bryony Bennett
Editorial Team Lead at The Careers Company
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