Why Career Coaching?
Jun 10, 2022Thinking about hiring a career coach, but not sure? Here are our top 10 reasons for hiring a career coach with The Careers Company!
1. A career coach can be useful throughout your working life from start to finish. For graduates we offer the Early Careers package which is aimed at school leavers and graduates to kick start their career. We can help you increase confidence, understand the choices of career open to you, and help you to secure your first job.
2. Our career coaches are experts in transitioning careers. Several of our coaches have gone through a career transition themselves, as well as coaching numerous people through that process. They will relate to your ambitions and concerns as you navigate this new terrain through our Second Act Careers package.
3. If you are going for that next promotion we can be the secret weapon you need to get ahead. In a competitive world we offer an advantage. We will provide you with tools and encouragement to define and go for what you want in your career. Our Executive Careers package is for you.
4. A career coach can be just as valuable for those who want to stay in the same job but want more out of it, or need some support in dealing with common workplace issues. Our career coaches can help you become more happy and successful in your current role. It is not necessarily the right choice to move.
5. One of the key roles of a career coach is to help clarify your career goals i.e. what does “career success” look like for you. While they won’t tell you what to do (that is the role of careers guidance) a career coach will use different evidence-based techniques to raise your self-awareness, challenge your current thinking, expand your horizons or address potential roadblocks. All of which in turn allow you to explore your true potential.
6. A career coach will help ease the burden of work by serving as a personal motivator. Driving forward one’s own career can be hard and motivation can flag. Our career coaches will both encourage and hold you accountable as you achieve your goals. Someone cheering you on might make all the difference!
7. We offer flexible working methods. The relationship with a career coach can vary – sometimes a single session can make a shift but more usually it’s a 6 session commitment over a 4- 6 month period. Each session is between 45min to an hour and, on a practical level, you do not have to meet your career coach in person each time. You can always telephone them and so they are never too far away.
8. Career coaches are trained in listening - sometimes an active listening ear is all we need! You can share with us all your dreams and worries, obstacles and hopes. Ultimately, a career coach is your impartial and objective personal guide whose sole purpose is for you to achieve career happiness and success.
9. All of our coaches are accredited by the Coaching Development Institute (CDI) or equivalent body. In a largely unregulated field, we pride ourselves on meeting an agreed code of ethics. We take our responsibility towards you seriously and care about your overall wellbeing.
10. We use an approach that is tailored to you. We can do this because all of our coaches are trained in a range of theoretical models. We can use one or many of these models in creating a package just for you. Overall, a career coach will push you to be the best person you can be at work. It is essential for anyone at work to have a career coach if they want to get the most out of work and to achieve their career plans.
We work with organisations too! Click here to find out more about our services for organisations. Curious to know more? Book a free discovery call to see how a career coach might be able to support you. Your career happiness and success is only a click away!
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